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张楠1, 姚晔1, 贾东新2
转轮除湿以结构紧凑、除湿效率高、能够实现连续除湿再生过程等特点,逐渐成为空气除湿领域中的主流。为了有效解决传统除湿转轮系统能耗较高的问题,本文首先构建了除湿转轮数值模型,并通过实验进行验证。在此基础上,引入权值因子把系统能耗及除湿性能结合起来作为优化目标,提出以改进PSO为求解算法的转轮除湿系统节能优化控制模型,并对不同权值因子、环境含湿量及环境温度下的节能优化效果进行分析。结果表明:当权值因子λ=0.3时,既能满足出口含湿量的要求,又能使能耗节省率达到最高;当环境含湿量在16~22 g/(kg干空气)范围内,平均能耗节省率为76.4%,最大能耗节省率为95.6%;当环境温度在24~30 ℃范围内,平均能耗节省率为40.2%,最大能耗节省率为42.1%。
关键词:  除湿转轮  数值模型  优化控制  PSO  节能
投稿时间:2022-07-16  修订日期:2022-11-24  
Numerical Study on Energy-saving Optimal Control of Rotary Desiccant Wheel System
Zhang Nan1, Yao Ye1, Jia Dongxin2
(1.Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics, School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University;2.Puresci Environmental Protection Technology Wuxi Co., Ltd.)
Rotary desiccant wheels have gradually become mainstream in the field of air dehumidification owing to their compact structure, high efficiency, and continuous dehumidification and regeneration processes. To effectively reduce the energy consumption of traditional rotary desiccant wheels, we constructed a numerical model of a desiccant wheel and verified it through experiments. A weight factor was introduced to combine the energy consumption and dehumidification performance of the system as the optimization objective. An energy-saving optimization control model of the desiccant wheel system was proposed with an improved PSO as the solution algorithm. The energy-saving optimization effects with different weight factors, ambient humidity ratios, and ambient temperatures were analyzed using the optimization control model. The results showed that when the weight factor λ=0.3, the humidity ratio requirements at the outlet were met and the energy savings were maximized. When the ambient humidity ratio was in the range of 16–22 g/kg dry air, the average and maximum energy savings were 76.4% and 95.6%, respectively. In the ambient temperature range of 24–30 ℃, the average energy saving was 40.2% and the maximum energy-saving rate was 42.1%.
Key words:  desiccant wheel  numerical modeling  optimal control  PSO  energy savings

