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简弃非1, 戴晨影1, 任勤1, 张勇2
利用CFD软件对蒸发冷凝器中波纹填料间的气流速度、压力、温度以及含湿量进行了模拟计算。分析了不同填料间距、进口气流速度、喷淋水流量对空气含湿量、进出口压差、填料表面传热系数变化的影响,并将模拟结果与实验数据进行对比,两者差别在5%以内。结果表明:随着填料间距增大,填料出口处空气含湿量先增加后减少,进出口压差从900Pa降为50Pa;当进入填料的气流速度变大时,表面传热系数随之变大,出口空气含湿量从24 g/kg减少到23 g/kg;喷淋水流量增加,出口空气含湿量从23.1 g/kg 升至24 g/kg,表面传热系数则从15.2 W/(m2?K)减为14.6 W/(m2?K)。填料间距选择为6mm,气流速度设置为2m/s以及喷淋水流量为0.025kg/s时,空气和冷却水间的热质传递效果最好且机组能耗低。
关键词:  蒸发式冷凝器  传热传质  波纹填料  数值模拟
Analysis on Flow Field and Heat Transfer of Corrugated Filler Used in Evaporative Condenser
Jin Qifei1, Dai Chenying1, Ren Qin1, Zhang Yong2
(1.South China University of Technology, School of Mechanical & Automotive Engineer;2.Guangzhou Huade Industrial Co., Ltd.)
The CFD software was applied to conduct the numerical simulation for predicting the air velocity, pressure, and temperature,humidity ratio in the corrugated filler which was used in evaporative condenser. And then studies on influencing factors of humidity ratio, pressure difference and surface heat transfer coefficient, i.e., filler space, air velocity and mass flux of cooling water were conducted. Simulation results were verified through experiments, and the error was less than 5%. The results showed that with the increasing filler space, humidity ratio of outlet air decreased after the first increase, and pressure difference decreased from 900Pa to 50Pa. Surface heat transfer coefficient increased with increasing air velocity, and humidity ratio of outlet air decreased from 24 g/kg to 23 g/kg. With the increase of mass flux of cooling water, humidity ratio of outlet air changed from 23.1 g/kg to 24 g/kg and surface heat transfer coefficient decreased 15.2 W/(m2?K)to 14.6 W/(m2?K). It contributed to heat and mass transfer and lower energy consumption when filler space was 6mm, air velocity was 2m/s and mass flux of cooling water was 0.025 kg/s.
Key words:  evaporative condenser  heat and mass transfer  corrugated filler  numerical simulation

