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陈振华1, 李盖敏2, 吴建华1
为了模拟与压缩机工作状态尽量接近的实验条件,本文在密封的高压环境下测试了在R290/矿物油混合物组合下的滑片-活塞摩擦副的摩擦系数、咬合力和磨损量。测试样件为压缩机中的滑片与滚动活塞量产件,根据压缩机的实际运行工况设定了滑片与滚动活塞间相对滑动速度、负载及润滑油温度等实验条件范围,采用电子扫描镜检测实验后样件的表面形态,并与目前使用量较大的R410A/POE油混合物组合进行对比。结果表明,在R290/矿物油混合物组合下,滑片-活塞摩擦副的摩擦系数,比R410A/POE油组合的摩擦系数大0.05~0.1,但其咬合负载高出300 N,表明在R290/矿物油混合物组合下,压缩机的抗磨损能力增强,但摩擦功耗也同时增加,需进一步改进。
关键词:  摩擦系数  压缩机  润滑油  R290
Received:May 04, 2017
Comparison of Tribological Characteristics of Vane-piston Interface between R290 and R410A in Rotary Compressor
Chen Zhenhua1, Li Gaimin2, Wu Jianhua1
(1.School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University;2.Guangdong Meizhi Compressor Co., Ltd.)
R290 has been considered for use in air-conditioning systems as a low global warming potential (GWP) refrigerant. This paper describes the tribological characteristic of the vane-piston tribopair in a R290 rotary compressor. For the purpose of simulating the tribopair working conditions, the vanes and rolling pistons of a compressor were directly adopted as test specimens. All of the tribological tests were performed under sealed high-pressure conditions, with test conditions such as the relative sliding speed, loads, and temperatures set based on actual operating conditions of a compressor, and the friction coefficients, scuffing resistances, and wear depths were measured. Furthermore, the morphological changes were investigated using a scanning electron microscope after the tests. As a comparison benchmark, tests were also conducted using R410A/polyolester oil. From these tests, it was evident that the friction coefficients and scuffing load of the vane-piston interface in the presence of R290/mineral oil were respectively 0.05–0.1 and 300 N higher than those of R410A/polyolester. On the other hand, the wear resistance ability with R290/mineral oil was better than that with R410A/polyolester.
Key words:  friction coefficient  compressor  lubricant oil  R290

