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关键词:  毛细流动  重力效应  相场法  低温流体  爬升高度
投稿时间:2022-07-14  修订日期:2022-09-06  
Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Capillary Rise with Cryogenic Fluids under Microgravity
Yi Tianhao,Qiu Yinan,Xu Yuanyuan,Wu Jingyi,Lei Gang,Yang Guang
(State Key Laboratory of Technologies in Space Cryogenic Propellants;School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Spacecraft use surface tension to transport liquid fuel and continuously provide gas-free propellants to engines. To ensure the normal operation of spacecraft, it is important to study the capillary flow behavior of liquid propellants. In this study, the capillary rise process was simulated using a single capillary tube, and the gas-liquid interface was captured using the phase-field method. A two-dimensional axisymmetric model of capillary rise was built and solved using the finite element method. To validate the model, numerical results were compared with those calculated using Jurin’s law and the Lucas-Washburn model. The relative errors were 4.44% and 5.21%, respectively, which confirmed the feasibility of the model for simulating the dynamic capillary rise process. Based on the verified model, the height and velocity of the capillary flow were investigated using different gravitational accelerations and cryogenic fluids. The results showed that when the effective gravity was small, the capillary rise process could be divided into three stages: purely inertial, inertial-viscous, and purely viscous. When the effective gravity is high, the capillary rise process can be divided into four stages, because the gravity of the liquid in the tube cannot be ignored. The four stages are purely inertial, inertial-viscous, viscous-gravitational, and purely gravitational. In addition, the height and velocity of the capillary flow decreased as the effective gravity increased. In the initial stage, the higher the surface tension of the cryogenic fluid, the greater the rising height and velocity. As the liquid level increases, the viscous force gradually increases. The velocity of the capillary flow with liquid hydrogen exceeded that with water, liquid nitrogen, and liquid oxygen.
Key words:  capillary flow  gravity effect  phase-field method  cryogenic fluids  rising height

