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为研究闭式热泵干燥系统的热力性能,本文通过单因素实验分析了压缩机转速、膨胀阀开度及干燥温度对系统性能参数的影响,得到系统性能的变化规律。结果表明:当压缩机转速由2 000 r/min升至3 000 r/min时,系统的功耗上升,增幅为89.6%,制热量上升,增幅为11.4%,而COP下降41.3%;当膨胀阀开度由30%升至80%时,系统的功耗下降,降幅为5.2%,制热量上升,增幅为73.5%,COP提高82.9%;当干燥温度由40 ℃升至60 ℃时,系统的功耗上升,增幅为38.1%,制热量上升,增幅为3.1%,而COP降低25.3%。分析研究结果可知,降低热泵系统的干燥温度、压缩机转速,增大膨胀阀开度能够有效降低系统功耗,提升系统性能。
关键词:  热泵干燥  热力性能  压缩机  膨胀阀  干燥温度
投稿时间:2022-05-23  修订日期:2022-09-18  
Study on Thermal Performance of Closed-loop Heat Pump Drying System
Meng Zhaofeng,Zhang Fan,Liu Yin,Cui Xiangna,Hu Rusheng,Wang Shun,Du Chenyang
(School of Energy&Environment, Zhongyuan University of Technoiogy)
This study analyzed the effects of compressor speed, expansion valve opening, and drying temperature on the thermal performance of a closed-loop heat pump drying system through single-factor experiments. Subsequently, system performance variation characteristics were obtained. The results show that when the compressor speed was increased from 2 000 r/min to 3 000 r/min, the power consumption increased by 89.6%, the heating capacity increased by 11.4%, and the COP(coefficient of performance) decreased by 41.3%. When the expansion valve was opened from 30% to 80%, the power consumption decreased by 5.2%, heating capacity increased by 73.5%, and COP decreased by 82.9%. When the drying temperature was increased from 40 °C to 60 °C, the power consumption increased by 38.1%, the heating capacity increased by 3.1%, and the COP decreased by 25.3%. Based on the analysis of the research results, it can be concluded that increasing the opening of the expansion valve and reducing the drying temperature and compressor speed can effectively reduce the system power consumption and improve the system performance.
Key words:  heat pump drying  thermal performance  compressor  expansion valve  drying temperature

