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(上海交通大学 制冷与低温工程研究所;挪威科技大学 能源与过程工程所)
目前多数研究中,传统CO2热泵供应的热水最高温度为90 ℃。为使CO2跨临界热泵供应100 ℃以上的加压热水,本文对CO2套管式换热器的管长和内管参数进行了优化研究。通过优化后的跨临界CO2热泵系统验证套管式气体冷却器供应100 ℃热水的可行性。并通过仿真和实验研究了环境温度和气体冷却器侧进出水温度对制热量和系统性能的影响。结果表明:实验和模拟的误差小于7.59%。随着环境温度的升高,制热量和COP均呈增加的趋势。当环境温度为40 ℃,气体冷却器侧进水温度为9 ℃时,实验中最高COP为3.64,对应的模拟COP为3.87。在成功实现100 ℃热水供应的同时,COP也高于其他低于该供热温度的公开数据。
关键词:  CO2  热泵  高温热泵  换热器
投稿时间:2022-07-12  修订日期:2022-10-20  
基金项目:国家重点研发计划 (2019YFE0104900)
High-temperature CO2 Transcritical Heat Pump with Optimized Tube-in-tube Heat Exchanger
Huang Rui,Hu Bin,Trygve Magne Eikevik,Wang Ruzhu,Ge Tianshu
(Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University;Department of Energy and Process Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
In existing research, 90 °C is reported as the highest temperature of hot water supplied by a traditional CO2 heat pump. To supply pressurized hot water over 100 °C with the CO2 transcritical heat pump, a tube-in-tube heat exchanger was redesigned and optimized in this study. The internal heat exchanger system was adopted to verify the feasibility of a CO2 heat pump with an optimized tube-in-tube gas cooler to supply pressurized hot water over 100 °C. The influences of ambient temperature and inlet and outlet water temperatures on the heating capacity and system performance were studied by simulations and experiments. Results show that the error of experiment and simulation is less than 7.59%, 100 °C hot water can be obtained through the redesign of the gas cooler under high-temperature conditions. When the ambient temperature was 40 °C and the inlet water temperature was 9 °C, the highest COP (coefficient of performance) reached 3.64 in the experiment and 3.87 in the simulation. The highest COP in this study was 4.47 when the ambient temperature was 40 °C and the inlet and outlet water temperatures were 9 °C and 85 °C, respectively. With an increase in ambient temperature, the heating capacity increased and the COP exhibited the same variation trend as the heating capacity.
Key words:  CO2  heat pump  high temperature heat pump  heat exchanger

