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CO2-on-a-Chip: 二氧化碳微流控技术研究现状及展望
微流控技术对于研究CO2的各种物理化学性质及过程,从而优化碳捕集、利用、封存(carbon capture, utilization, and storage, CCUS)等技术,最终实现碳达峰、碳中和的“双碳”目标具有重要意义。本文对当前CCUS的技术路线进行了梳理回顾,介绍了微流控技术的原理、常用材料、特点及应用,阐明了微流控技术在CO2相关研究中的优势,具体介绍了微流控技术在CO2捕集溶剂筛选、超临界CO2萃取合成、CO2增强石油开采、CO2生物化学转化、CO2封存等方面的应用和研究进展。最后,总结了CO2微流控技术的研究现状并对其未来发展进行了展望。
关键词:  二氧化碳  CCUS  微流控  气泡  传质
投稿时间:2023-04-25  修订日期:2023-05-31  
基金项目:山东省优秀青年科学基金项目( 海外)(2022HWYQ-011)
CO2-on-a-Chip: Current Status and Prospects of Carbon Dioxide Microfluidic Technology
Zhang Yinglong,Chen Qinglin,Hu Jie,Xin Gongming,Gong Weiping,Zhao Pei,Qin Ning
(School of Energy and Power Engineering, Shandong University)
Microfluidics is of great importance in investigating the various physicochemical processes of carbon dioxide, the latter of which plays a fundamental role in the carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS) process, as well as in achieving the goals of carbon peaking and neutralization. Here, the current status of carbon dioxide microfluidic technology, that is, the CO2-on-a-chip technology, is reviewed. CCUS technology and some basic aspects of microfluidics are briefly introduced. In particular, the advantages and impacts of microfluidic technology in advancing CO2-related studies are discussed. Examples of applications and research progress of microfluidics in screening solvents for CO2 capture, supercritical CO2-based extraction, enhanced oil recovery by CO2, biochemical conversion of CO2, and CO2 storage are specifically introduced. Finally, the success of applying microfluidics to CO2 is summarized, and the future development of this area is envisioned.
Key words:  carbon dioxide  CCUS  microfluidics  bubble  mass transfer

