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朱玉鑫1, 李红旗1, 王东越1, 成建宏2
我国现行的变频空调器能效标准GB 21455—2013以全年能源消耗效率(APF)来评价热泵型变频空调器,而APF计算均采用全国统一的一组运行时间曲线,并未考虑地域差异的问题。本文通过理论选取和抽样调查的方式得出覆盖全国5个建筑气候分区的时间曲线,采用国标规定的APF计算方法,以两种时间曲线数据对9台变频空调器能效的地域差异进行分析研究。结果表明:变频空调器能效的地域差异存在且显著,抽样时间曲线结果显示华南与华中地区的APF差值达到1.86。提出了针对地域差异应分区评价的建议,除统一的APF值外,还需增加不同区域参照的制冷季节能效比(SEER)和制热季节能源消耗效率(HSPF),并以实例进行了验证。
关键词:  变频空调  APF  能效标准  地域差异  时间曲线
Received:October 09, 2017
Research on Regional Annual Performance Factor of Variable Speed Air-conditioner
Zhu Yuxin1, Li Hongqi1, Wang Dongyue1, Cheng Jianhong2
(1.College of Environmental and Energy Engineering, Beijing University of Technology;2.China National Institute of Standardization)
Currently, China’s inverter air conditioner efficiency standard (GB 21455—2013) adopts the annual performance factor (APF) to evaluate heat-pump inverter air conditioner. Specifically, APF of air conditioner is calculated by a single set of running time curves (cooling and heating) nationwide. However, China includes diverse regions and climates. Therefore, in the study, two types of running time curves covering all five architectural thermo-technical design zones were initially obtained by using meteorological statistics and investigation data, respectively. Furthermore, the APFs of nine variable speed air-conditioners were analyzed by the standard method based on running time curves. The results indicate that the regional difference of APF of the variable speed air-conditioner is significant, and the APF difference between southern China and central China ranges to 1.86 based on the investigation data. Finally, regional evaluation of energy efficiency standards was proposed and verified by an example. The results indicate that the seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) and heating seasonal performance factor (HSPF) values of different regions should be considered in addition to the APF value.
Key words:  variable speed air-conditioner  APF  energy efficiency standards  regional difference  running time curves

